Movies and Documentaries

Kanopy is a streaming service just like Netflix. Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films, educational videos and more!
Getting started
Create an account with your library card and PIN.
How it works
At the start of every month you receive 15 tickets to spend on movies TV shows, or courses. The shorter the movie, the less credits it costs.
Each title will show how many tickets are required for watching to help you better control the viewing experience and enjoy more titles throughout the month. This excludes Kanopy Kids which has unlimited plays.
You can access Kanopy from smart TVs and other devices, including Apple, Android, Chromecast, and more!

Read, watch, listen, and enjoy with Hoopla. Your library card gives you free access to thousands of free movies, TV programmes, comics, music albums, e-books and e-audiobooks.
How it works
Download the Hoopla app or visit the website on your device. Log in with your library card and PIN, create an account, and start streaming.
You can enjoy up to ten borrows per month. These can be downloaded to the app or your device to enjoy offline. Once a title expires it will be removed from your Hoopla account.
- 3 days to watch a movie or TV episode
- 7 days to listen to a music album
- 21 days to listen to an audio book or read any e-Book or comics.