Nelson Public Libraries operates an inter-library (or interloan) service.

This service enables library members to borrow an item from another library in New Zealand, when that item is not held in our own collections.
What you can borrow on interloan:
- Books
- Some music CDs and educational DVDs
- Articles from periodicals (photocopied or scanned)
- Talking Books (for the print disabled only)
Charges and loan periods
- A charge is made for all interloans (except for talking books for the print disabled)
- The charge will vary ($7.30-$20.00) depending on where we source the material
- Interloans have an issue period of 3 weeks
- Interloan requests cannot be cancelled once submitted
Request an interloan
You can check out what other New Zealand Libraries hold in their collections, using the New Zealand Libraries' Catalogue.
Fill out the form below or call us on 03 546 0414.