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Special Collections

Memory Loss and Dementia Collection

A growing number of people in our community are living with dementia and often stop reading for pleasure at quite an early stage. Our selection of materials aims to encourage more people with dementia to continue reading, or for family members/carers to be encouraged to read with them.

The collection includes:

  • Short stories for people with mild memory loss.
  • Adaptions of classics for easy reading.
  • Local history books which help readers to reminiscence.
  • Photo and picture books.
  • Humorous content – we all feel better if we can smile about something.

You can find them by following the link to our website or by asking a librarian next time you visit.

Our Memory Care Bags filled with a variety of items, games, and sensory objects. There are also some individual items. The bags are designed to provide social interaction and enjoyment. You can find them in all three branches or by searching the catalogue.

Sewing Machines

We have seven Brother sewing machines which users can borrow for up to two weeks to work on projects in the comfort of their own home.

Each machine comes with scissors, pins and needles, tape measure, seam ripper, bobbins and black and white thread. You can place a hold on a machine by finding them through our catalogue. If you aren’t sure what to make, why not take a look through our collection of sewing books and wait for inspiration to strike.

If you aren't a member, or need to use a machine now, you can drop into the Elma Turner Library or the Nightingale Library Memorial. Both branches have one sewing machine available for public use in the library. These operate on a first-come-first-served basis and cannot be reserved.

Please ensure you are confident using a sewing machine before loaning.

Board Games

From classic favourites to modern masterpieces, our diverse collection of board games wait to stimulate your mind, test your wits and create unforgettable moments with family and friends.

Board games are available to borrow for 2 weeks for endless hours of fun, laughter, strategy, and the joy of boardgaming excitement. You can find the full collection on our catalogue, or visit the Elma Turner Library to see what is available.

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