Hillary’s Antarctic Hut VR experience - Nightingale Library Memorial
Monday 7- Tuesday 8 October & Thursday 10 – Friday 11 October 10am-4pm at Elma Turner Library (Learning Centre)
Wednesday 9 October 12-4pm Nightingale Library Memorial (Meeting Room)
Booking required. https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/hillaryrs-antarctic-hut-vr-experience-nightingale-library/nelson
Antarctic Heritage Trust invites you to explore Sir Edmund Hillary's Antarctic hut through a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) experience!
Step inside Hillary's hut and find out what life was like for Sir Ed’s team living in the world’s most extreme environment, furthering science and exploration.
This is digital experience that will transport you to Antarctica without getting cold!
Each session accommodates up to 5 participants and lasts 20-25 minutes, including an introduction and the VR experience. It is suitable for everyone from 9 years old and over.
To book your session, please visit EventFinda website https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/hillaryrs-antarctic-hut-vr-experience-nightingale-library/nelson for instant booking. For further assistance, you can email library@ncc.govt.nz or call 03 546 8100.
For more information, please visit https://nzaht.org/